














1. “漓江山水甲天下,人间天堂在桂林。”——唐代诗人李白


2. “漓江如烟似雾,山青水秀,美不胜收。”——宋代诗人苏轼


3. “桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。”——唐代文学家李靖


4. “一水抱西山,两岸插翠楠。”——唐代诗人杜甫


5. “漓江风光好,天下无双。”——明代旅行家徐霞客





.平生爱大海,披月乘风来。—— *** 《五律·咏梅》



















.山,倒海翻江卷巨澜。奔腾急,万马战犹酣。—— *** 《十六字令》



























I would like to level the East China Sea and never change my mind; the sea has no peace period and my heart has no time. ——Gu Yanwu


The widest land is the sea, the sky is broader than the sea, and the human mind is broader than the sky. Anonymous


. the sea can wash away human dirt. ——Euripides


How many treasures are covered in the palace where the sea sleeps. ——Love young


. the waves of the sea are blown by the light wind, and the waves of life are blown by the ideal. Anonymous


. the sea of truth, let all things that have not been found lie in front of me, let me explore. -- Newton


When the earth comes to the end of time, the sky keeps going. When people can come, the birds are sad. ——Shen Shouhong


, the waves of the sea are blown by the light wind, and the waves of life are blown by the ideal. Anonymous


The ancient sea is a gray and melancholy field. ——Bryant


People with lofty ideals of life, like a *** all boat in the sea, will always be hit by the wind and waves and sink to the bottom of the sea. But if one has the ideal of communi *** and is infinitely loyal to it, he can stand the test of any storm and difficulty. ——Wu Yunduo


How many treasures are covered in the palace where the sea sleeps. ——Love young


People with lofty ideals of life, like a *** all boat in the sea, will always be hit by the wind and waves and sink to the bottom of the sea. But if one has the ideal of communi *** and is infinitely loyal to it, he can stand the test of any storm and difficulty. ——Wu Yunduo


, the rainy days, the vast days, the sea wind raging days, we still have to adhere to the sea. A *** all boat, a long Artemisia, a fragile and determined life can be.


. you can go anywhere on land, but don't go to sea. ——Apostolius


The sea, no matter how broad, should be connected to the land. ——Gold *** ith


I will never forget the fresh and humid sea breeze with the fishy *** ell of the sea and the feeling of blowing people's hair, cheeks and body everywhere. As attractive as a gorgeous and full-bodied woman.


Women and cowards may die on land, and the sea is the grave of the brave. ——About Dryden


, several white sails, floating like a few snow-white feathers on the glittering sea.


My hu *** and's ambition is to manage the country, so that all the people in the world will not accept the feast. -- Hai Rui


. when the earth comes to the end of time, the sky keeps going. When people can come, the birds are sad. ——Shen Shouhong


, Wanchuan returns to its destination without knowing when it will stop, while its tail will drain without knowing when it will not empty. -- Chuang-tzu


, standing on the beach by the bank, looking at the distance, I can only see a vast expanse of white. The sea and the sky are one, and it's not clear whether it's water or heaven. The so-called: fog lock mountain lock fog, days even water tail water days. In the distance, the sea water, under the beautiful sunshine, is like pieces of scales on the water surface, and like naughty children constantly jumping to the shore.


, like its quiet appearance, roaring appearance Looking at the past open boundless sea, majestic and vast, the city's narrow, crowded, noisy all look out of the sky.


We like the sea, we are close to it, we praise it. It's the raging sea breeze, the mighty sea waves, the boundless sea, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it, it's it's it, it's it, it's it's it, it's it's it, it's it's it, it's. Facing the sound of the sea, we are always calm and happy.


, the sea is full, under the setting sun, the waves jump like naughty children, and there is a golden light on the water.


, thousands of white horses surge, thousands of silver mountains. -- Song Wan


The spring river tides are even with the sea, and the moon and the sea tide together. ——Zhang Ruoxu


The ancient sea is a gray and melancholy field. ——Bryant


Few people can swim in the vast sea. ——Virgil


There are dangers on land that the sea does not know. ——Ellis


, the boundless sky, a boat in the sea wind, that is the figure that we human beings are always conquering and rewriting tenaciously. Columbus is the pride of mankind, Hemingway is the pride of mankind. In their concept, human beings are not *** all physical beings that can be easily defeated. The human beings they compose are invincible and absolutely tenacious souls.


. the river and the sea do not compete with Sakai for their clearness, and thunder does not fight with frogs for their sound. -- Liu Ji


Wanchuan will return to its destination when it doesn't know when it will stop, while its tail will drain away when it won't empty. -- Chuang-tzu


. rivers have water, but the sea is not full. Every aspect of the measure is suspended, and every branch is wise and foolish. -- Meng Jiao


, the sea welcomes the sun first, and the Milky Way stars backward. -- Du Fu


There are dangers on the land that the sea does not know. ——Ellis


The spring river is even with the sea, and the moon is full of tide. ——Zhang Ruoxu


Love is a pure spring. It starts from the river bed full of water celery, flowers and gravel, changes its nature and shape in each flood, or becomes a stream or a river, and finally runs to the ocean. There, the people with poor spirit only see its monotony, and the people with noble soul indulge in constant meditation. ——Balzac


The sea can wash away human dirt. ——Euripides


There is plenty of water in all rivers, but there is no full wave in the sea. Every aspect of the measure is suspended, and every branch is wise and foolish. -- Meng Jiao


The sea reconnects the areas they divide. ——Pu Songling


. thousands of white horses surged and thousands of silver mountains rose. -- Song Wan


You can go anywhere on land, but don't go to the sea. ——Apostolius


The sea reconnects the areas they divide. ——Pu Songling


The world in which people live is like a ship sailing in the sea. The most important thing is to identify the way forward. -- Pan Shu


. no matter how broad the sea is, it must be connected to the land. ——Gold *** ith


. the sea welcomes the sun first, and the Milky Way reverses the stars. -- Du Fu


, the river and the sea do not compete with Sakai for its clarity, and thunder does not fight with frogs for its sound. -- Liu Ji


A drop of oil can't calm the rough sea; a country the size of a needle can't make those countries thousands of times larger than her bow to the throne forever. ——Zweig


, my hu *** and's ambition is to make all the people in the world stay at home. -- Hai Rui


The sea of truth, let all things that have not been found lie in front of me, let me explore. -- Newton


The widest land is the sea, the sky is wider than the sea, and the human mind is broader than the sky. Anonymous


For the sea, the land is lovely, for the coast, the sea is lovely. ——Lacom


For the sea, the land is lovely, for the coast, the sea is lovely. ——Lacom


Stretch your eyes and look out. You can't see the white waves, but you can see the fishing sails, the bronzed shining skin, the keen eyes, the kind *** ile, and the skillful action of casting the after mastering the skill of sea trial. They won't appreciate the so-called scenery or the weather. One of them is the sailing direction, the rock coke under the ship and the weather Change. Look at the connection between the blue and the distant sky, like a slowly rising blue continent, shining with the luster of the ancient red glazed tiles, widening the boundless and infinite space.


Women and cowards may die on land, and the sea is the grave of the brave. ——About Dryden

、大海宽广无垠,无遮无拦,能够让人们的心胸变得开阔,也能让人们的痛苦得到缓冲和解脱。年,俄国诗人普希金被沙皇专制 *** 流放到高加索,普希金性格刚正不阿,不愿迎合当地总督,又被革职遣送回乡。临行前,诗人站在高加索海边登高望远,怀念友人,以孤独忧愤的心情写下了著名的《致大海》。在诗的开头,他这样深情地呼唤:“再见吧,自由的原素!最后一次了,在我眼前,你的蓝色的浪头翻滚起伏,你的骄傲的美闪烁壮观。”

, the vast ocean is boundless, no shelter, can let people's mind become open, also can let people's pain get buffer and relief. Pushkin, a Russian poet, was exiled to the Caucasus by the Czar's autocratic government. Pushkin was upright, unwilling to cater to the local governor, and was di *** issed and sent back to his hometown. Before leaving, the poet stood on the Caucasus coast and looked far, missed his friends, and wrote the famous "to the sea" in a lonely and angry mood. At the beginning of the poem, he called out affectionately, "goodbye, the element of freedom! For the last time, in front of my eyes, your blue waves are rolling up and down, and your proud beauty is shining magnificently."


Few people can swim in the vast sea. ——Virgil


The world in which people live is like a ship sailing in the sea. The most important thing is to identify the way forward. -- Pan Shu


A drop of oil can't calm the rough sea; a country the size of a needle can't make those countries thousands of times larger than her always bow to the throne. ——Zweig


Love is a pure spring water. It starts from the river bed full of water celery, flowers and gravel, changes its nature and shape in each flood, or becomes a stream or a river, and finally flows to the ocean. There, people with poor spirit only see its monotony, and people with noble soul indulge in constant meditation. ——Balzac



上一篇 2024年01月13日 10:02
下一篇 2024年01月13日 10:06


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