







1: Jeremy Lin is an American basketball player, who plays for the Houston Rockets. He played for Harvard University in college before entering the professional league. As an undrafted rookie in 2010, he played for New York Knicks for the first year. When the starting point guard was hurt and the team was loosing game after game, his coach put Jeremy Lin into a game as backup point guard on Feb 4, 2012. In that game, Lin scored 25 points and led the Knicks to a win against the New Jersey Nets. After that, Lin led the New York Knicks to a 9-3 record when he started the game. This amazing performance made the fans to call him Linsanity.

2: Jeremy Shu-How Lin(born August 23, 1988) is an American professional basketball player with the New York Knicksof the National Basketball Association(NBA). After receiving no athletic scholarshipoffers out of high school and being undraftedout of college, the 2010 Harvard Universitygraduate reached a partially guaranteed contract deal later that year with his hometown Golden State Warriors.

Lin seldom played in his rookieseason and was assignedto the NBA Development League(D-League) three times. He was waivedby Golden State and the Houston Rocketsthe following preseasonbefore joining the Knicks early in the 2011–12 season. He was again assigned to the D-League and continued to play sparingly. In February 2012, he unexpectedly led a winning streak by New York while being promoted to the starting lineup, which generated a global following known as Linsanity. Lin is one of the few Asian Americansin NBA history, and the first American player in the league to be of Chineseor Taiwanesedescent.

3: Chinese Name:Jeremy Lin

Foreign Name:Jeremy Lin

Alias:Jeremy Lin

Nationality:United States

Place of birth:California,USA Palo Alto

Date of Birth:August 23,1988

School:Harvard University

Height:1.91m / 6 feet 3 inches

Weight:90.7kg/200 lbs


Their respective sports teams:the New York Knicks

Jersey number:17

Position:Shooting guard / point guard

High School:Palo Alto,more than high school

Career highest score:38 points

Jeremy Lin (Full name in English by Jeremy Shu-How Lin),August 23,1988,was born in Palo Alto,California,USA (Palo Alto,California),American basketball player,the effectiveness of the college at Harvard University.Although losing in the NBA Draft,but in the July 21,2010,the NBA Golden State Warriors with the free agent signed a two-year contract,Jeremy Lin has thus become the following three Wataru Sakamoto (Japanese) after NBA history,the second Asian player to enter the NBA,Harvard University,the first since 1953 to enter the NBA players,but also become the first Chinese-American to enter the NBA.Jeremy Lin was born in California,his native city of Pinghu,Jiaxing,Zhejiang Province,China,parents are Taiwanese.

4:Jeremy Lin ( Jeremy Shu-How Lin ), was born in August 23, 1988 in the United States of California, the United States occupation basketball player, hit the ball control guard, height 191 cm, weight 91 kg. Native of Fujian province Zhangpu County ancestors moved to Taiwan, Changhua, his parents immigrated to the United States in 1977. Jeremy Lin graduated from the Harvard University, Harvard University, led the basketball team to win the Ivy League Division champion, enter the NCAA64, later with the Jinzhou braves signed since 1953, become the first to enter the NBA Harvard University student; the first to enter the NBA Chinese-American player. In 2011 December, has been the Jinzhou warriors, the Houston rockets cut. In December 27, 2011, he signed with the New York team of Nicks.大学期间:Universities after the end, Jeremy Lin will have their game footage clips into DVD DVD, sent to all of the Ivy League, the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University and UCLA for admission. After the Harvard University and Brown University to make Jeremy Lin in the team has a space for one person, Jeremy Lin entered the Harvard University.



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下一篇 2023年11月12日 15:20


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